Apex Legends Season 14 will be released within a month, and we already have leaks detailing the next Vantage legend, map upgrades, in-game updates, and more.
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Apex Legends Season 14 - Hunter Safari |
Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale shooting game that has remained popular among gamers for the past 13 seasons.
Respawn just released Apex Legends Season 13 content for players to explore, as part of Apex Legends' schedule of frequent upgrades and meta changes. The new Apex Legends Season 13 has given players a load of different material to enjoy, including a new battle pass, map, and obviously, another Legend - Newcastle.
Now Season 13 of Apex Legends will end in a few weeks, and players are already looking forward to the following season, Apex Legends Season 14.
The developers have kept silent and have not revealed any new information about the upcoming season, however, we do have leakers and dataminers who are now sharing new teasers, photographs, and other content, which is making fans even more excited.
Some game leaks have surfaced, hinting at the impending content in Apex Legends Season 14, called Hunter Safari, such as map upgrades, in-game updates, the next legend, and more.
Hence with the teasers dropping by, we collected all the information that you need to know about Apex Season 14 prior to its release, including battle pass, Ranked Season, a new map update, and more.
Apex Legends Season 14 release date
Respawn has yet to reveal the exact date, but Apex Legends Season 14 release date will probably be scheduled for Tuesday, August 9th, three months after the release of Defiance.
The previous Season of Saviours was released on May 10, and it came with a new Seasonal Battle Pass like it always does. This reward track includes a day-by-day countdown timer that shows how long the season is expected to continue, and August 8th is the date of its conclusion.
So the date of August 9th is valid till the developers stay to their usual schedule as we have seen postponements in the past.
Hence, it is important to take note that Apex Season 14 may release on a different date, but we have all the chances of seeing the new Legend, Battle Pass, and content in early to mid-August.
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Apex Legends Season 14 Battle Pass
It's a given that each new season will bring a new Battle Pass to the game, and players will have to work hard to achieve their goals. Obviously, the developers have added a new battle pass stage to keep the action exciting, and leaks have additionally revealed the name of the new Apex Legends Season 14 battle pass.
Since Season 9, Respawn Entertainment has opted to give each new season of the game its own name. Since then, we've had five seasons, dubbed "Legacy," "Emergence," "Escape," "Defiance," and "Saviours" respectively.
Leaked data have discovered files containing skins, charms, banner frames, and more, all with the name "Hunter Safari" in common, but it could be the codename for Apex Season 14 as per the leaks.
Apex Season 14 "Hunter Safari" is a self-explanatory theme and there are high chances we will also get to see a Hunter Safari event in the upcoming season. In addition to this, on the Storm Point map, the Season 14 Battle Pass will focus on wildlife.
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Apex Legends Season 14 Legend - Vantage
Almost every Apex fan is aware that Season 14 legend will be Vantage as with each new Season the developer releases a new legend in the game.
Apex Legends season 14 will bring its 22nd Legend, but many were wondering who is the new character in Apex Legends, thanks to the dataminers and leakers, we already got to know that Apex Legends Vantage is going to be the new playable Legend.
Vantage is a new character that has been uncovered during Season 12 of Apex Legends, and it has piqued the interest of players. The suspicions began when leakers found a completely developed mode of Apex Legends Vantage in the in-game files, presumably hinting at Vantage's destiny as an Apex Season 14 Legend.
Apex Legends Vantage, like Pathfinder, Bloodhound, Crypto, Seer, and Valkyrie, will be a recon character as she'll be able to provide long-range support for her teammate, and based on her attire and prior disclosures, Vantage is a Survivalist Hunter from a chilly region.
Read More: Apex Legends Vantage - Season 14 legend, leaks, abilities, more
Apex Legends Season 14 Map - Return of Skull Town
Although no new information has been revealed about the Apex Season 14 map, dataminers were able to uncover new information about the Return of Skull Town.
Rumors are circulating that a restructuring of legendary Skull Town on King's Canyon is in the works, and we've already seen footage and photographs of how it could look and Season 12 was when the leak was first discovered.
Now because the current season is being played on the redesigned Storm Point and World's Edge maps, it's quite possible that with Season 14, Skull Town will return to the King's Canyon map.
According to the leaks, the location is still under construction. However, it gives a very good picture of how the redesigned Skull Town will look. The limits will be formed of metal frames rather than the original mountainous rocks, the large building in the center of Skull Town will be eliminated, and instead of reintroducing Thunderdome, they will provide a beautiful little playable place towards the back of Skull Town.
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Hence, it wouldn't be wrong to see the Skull Town return in Apex Season 14, however, with some modifications. But before it returns, it's expected to receive some map modifications as bringing the same old stuff as it is, is not the way Respawn ideally works.
A moon map for Apex has also been leaked, however, it is unlikely to be released in Season 14. Respawn usually releases a new map every four seasons, thus after Storm Point in Season 11, we won't see another map until Season 15.
Moreover, Respawn has yet to confirm anything regarding the Apex Legends Season 14 Map.
Apex Legends Season 14 teasers
We are yet to get official teasers from the devs, however, reliable dataminers AG420 and HYPERMYST did drop some exciting Season 14 image teasers.
The "Hunter Safari" Battle Pass, like past Battle Passes will offer some fascinating cosmetic items, and some of the "Hunter Safari" Battle Pass cosmetic items have already been leaked like a few skins, banner frames, and charms.
Apex Season 14 Hunter Safari Legend skins
Apex Season 14 Hunter Safari weapon skins
Apex Season 14 Hunter Safari charms
Apex Season 14 Hunter Safari Banner frames
Now even though these are more than enough for now, we do expect that more Apex Season 14 teasers will be revealed soon.
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Apex Legends Season 14 Ranked Season
Another Apex Legends season implies another update in Apex Legends Ranked Leagues, from split dates to map rotations and much more.
Apex Legends Ranked League is an incredible spot for the individuals who need to test their abilities out and play for points in a serious and competitive environment which will be available in Apex Legends Season 14 Arenas.
Regardless of how great you are, Apex Legends has a definite ranked system that will put you on a comparative battleground once you play enough games to acquire a bunch of new ranked rewards.
Each season contains two ranked splits that usually take place in two entirely different maps, however, we have not received any leaked data to assure which maps will host the next ranked season.
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These were all the information about the Apex Legends Season 14, including its battle pass, new legend Vantage, maps, skins, charms, teasers, and leaks. Keep visiting for more Apex Legends news that will be coming soon.
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