League of Legends Orianna VFX update will be released in Season 12

League of Legends Orianna visual update has been announced by Riot, which will be released in the current LoL Season 12.

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League of Legends Orianna VFX update detailed by developers

We recently received LoL patch 12.6 which included various changes to the main game. In addition to the support item, Swain, Rengar, and Zeri were all modified. Furthermore, while champions like Vayne, Elise, and Vel'Koz have already seen major changes in Season 12, Riot isn't stopping there.

Riot Games has been releasing cosmetic changes for a number of League champions in an attempt to refresh their costumes and improve visual indicators in the MOBA. And now the devs have announced another champion who will be getting a VFX update.

As Riot Games is gearing up for their next patch, LoL patch 12.7, a few changes coming to the game has been detailed by the developers in order to receive players' feedback on them, and the list includes Orianna.

League of Legends Orianna, who will be getting some changes on both her classic skin and nearly a dozen of her other skins, is also ready for an update.

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League of Legends Orianna VFX update

One of League of Legends' most famous mid-lane mages, Orianna is getting a major visual overhaul, including a new base model and a slew of new skins.

Riot Games recently announced that three League of Legends champions - Orianna, Leona, and Shaco will be receiving visual effects (VFX) improvements on the PBE subreddit.

The goal is to bring the visual effects of these champions up to League standards while also improving gameplay clarity. Riot developers are eager to hear what players have to say about all of these changes.

"Similar to the previous VFX updates we’ve made in the past (Ziggs, Vayne, Kog'Maw, etc.), we're working on updates to the Visual Effects (VFX) of champions whose spell effects are in need of some love. Our aim is to get their VFX to current League standards and improve gameplay clarity," RiotZhanos said on the Reddit thread.

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As revealed by the developer, the League of Legends Orianna VFX update will mainly focus on her W and R, along with a complete update on Better visual clarity, cleaner hitboxes, and a quality push to match our current standards.

Adding to this, recently, Riot Twin Enso revealed another great effect coming with the VFX update, the new tether indicator, which shows how far Orianna has to be before she can automatically fetch the Ball.

While Orianna's auto-attack animation has been beefed up, the majority of the change appears to focus on making the effects around her Ball more noticeable.

On using Command: Dissonance, the hitbox is more colorfully defined, and the indicator underneath where her Ball is positioned has become a darker shade of blue. Moreover, her ultimate ability, Command: Shockwave, has a substantially larger display area, which is the most noticeable alteration.

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League of Legends Season 12 Orianna Skins changes

With the upcoming Orianna Skins changes, 11 Ori skins are getting revised, which is significantly more than any other champion so yet. Below is the list of all the skins that are being updated with Orianna VFX update:

  • Base: Complete overhaul
  • Bladecraft Orianna: Recolored from new base
  • Dark Star Orianna: Complete overhaul
  • Gothic Orianna: Same as base
  • Heartseeker Orianna: Complete overhaul
  • Orbeeanna: Matching new base FX
  • Pool Party Orianna: Matching new base FX
  • Sewn Chaos Orianna: Same as base
  • TPA Orianna: Same as base
  • Victorious Orianna: Matching new base FX
  • Winter Wonder Orianna: Recolored from new base

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League of Legends Orianna visual update release date

Riot has not said when the upgrade will be available on live servers. It's possible, however, that the LoL Orianna visual update may arrive with patch 12.7, which will be released on April 12.

For all the Orianna players, the news of the visual upgrade is indeed joyful as this upcoming Orianna visual update can prove to be a great restart for Orianna as well as League of Legends.

That all being said, gamers all around the world are highly anticipating the upcoming League of Legends patch so they can experience all the new updates and cool abilities.

These were the complete details about the LoL champion, Orianna's visual update. Be sure to check her out when she releases in the main game. We will keep updated with new info, so keep following.

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